4 Common Pitfalls of Planning Corporate Events

Planning a corporate event is a big task to undertake. There are dozens of decisions to make, vendors to manage, and as the event gets closer, too many details to count. As you begin making your “to do” lists, be wary of these 4 common pitfalls for planning your corporate event:

Sometimes more is just more

One common pitfall when orchestrating corporate events is having too many decision makers in the planning process. When a multitude of individuals are involved in making decisions for a single event, productivity can diminish, tensions can elevate, and planning can come to a standstill. For optimal event planning, limit the company-side involvement to a maximum of two individuals. This approach ensures shared responsibility while facilitating prompt decision-making, when necessary.

A full event agenda

Another common pitfall that can detrimentally impact an event is an overly program-heavy agenda. While attendees anticipate a few speeches, the essence of any corporate event should be celebratory in nature. Guests generally prefer not to be subjected to lengthy lectures from their superiors outside the office environment. Additionally, speeches often exceed allotted time, taking away from the celebratory atmosphere. Striking a balance by incorporating a modest number of activities or speeches allows the event to transition seamlessly into celebration.

To Theme or Not to Theme

In a recent blog post, we shared our views on whether or not to enhance the appeal and excitement of a corporate event with a theme. Our key takeaway: effective theming means wholeheartedly embracing a thematic approach from start to finish. Failing to commit to a specific theme makes the entire event forgettable. Regardless of whether or not you choose to theme your corporate event, providing an element of fun and excitement is crucial to captivate and engage employees. Whether through interactive photo booths or through themed decorations, cocktails, and raffles, providing employees with compelling reasons to attend beyond professional obligation is essential. 

“providing an element of fun and excitement is crucial”

The Cocktail (Half) Hour 

Our final common pitfall of planning a corporate event is cutting the cocktail hour short or eliminating it altogether. Recognizing that guests rarely arrive on time, the initial cocktail hour serves as a buffer for the fashionably late arrivals. Additionally, this arrival hour facilitates socializing, enabling guests to engage with one another before transitioning to the more structured portions of the event. Having this time to engage socially prevents distractions during speeches or dinner, ensuring that attendees are fully focused and receptive.


Planning a corporate event can be stressful. From limiting decision makers to ensuring a celebratory and engaging event, avoiding these 4 common pitfalls can help ensure you create a memorable and successful corporate event! 

If planning a corporate event feels out of your reach, our team is ready to step in to help! Contact us today to learn more about our services. 


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